Participate in our Origami Contest

Are you passionate about origami? Do you want to use your talent to help change someone’s life with clean water? Would you like the chance to have your origami work displayed and viewed by thousands of people? Design your own origami bug or fold an existing model for our Bug Battle!

Original Design Contest

The origami bug of your own original design, along with a CP (crease pattern) must be received by Paper for Water by September 16th. The best bugs will be displayed at the Texas Discovery Gardens during the Texas State Fair attended by over two million people. The winning prize for the best original bug will be $250. Bugs will be judged based on the finished model and the technical merit of the CP to determine the winner.
Entry fee: $15

Existing Design Contest

Your folded origami bug, the original designer's name, and design title must be received by Paper for Water by September 16th. The winner will be chosen by an online public poll. The people’s choice winner will be awarded $150. The best bugs will be displayed at the Texas Discovery Gardens during the Texas State Fair.
Entry fee: $15

Additional Rules

  • Technical requirements: 1 square sheet of paper, no cuts, glue, or paint (methylcellulose allowed). Must fit the theme of insects, but other arthropods (terrestrial arthropods only) such as arachnids are allowed. Any method of design is allowed, provided the model meets the rules.
  • Size requirements: Finished models must be no longer than 7 inches in any dimension.
  • Entry deadline: Finished models must be received by Paper for Water no later than September 16th.
  • Paper details: Please provide paper size, type and brand used.

Please consider donating your bug to Paper for Water. If you’d like your bug returned after the State Fair display please submit the additional shipping costs. $10 for US addresses and $20 for international addresses.

The Impact

You can help us change the world! Join our goal to fund at least one well a month this year by joining our Well of the Month Club and be one of the 500 world changers donating at least $10 monthly. Without the help of our many volunteers, partners, and representatives, we would not have been able to bring clean water to thousands of communities around the world.

Join the WOTMC