Ways school clubs help
To support the mission and programs of Paper for Water, by training and empowering fellow students with the skills and opportunities to make a difference. To build community and have fun with fellow students. To transform the lives of children who do not have access to safe clean water within a 30-minute walk from home. To support educational opportunities and better health by proving safe water. To show love to all through the gift of clean water. In return club members will make a real difference in the world and every life that they impact. Paper for Water school club participation develops skills including, organizing, speaking, artistic expression, fundraising, global awareness, and writing skills and will be an outstanding resume builder for college and work applications.
- Advocate - Club members serve as advocates for children in desperate need of life-saving clean water by using their voices to bring awareness of this worldwide crisis. Advocacy includes serving at public events as representatives of Paper for Water including, but not limited to speaking engagements, origami demonstrations, public and private events, and fundraisers, creating social media and newsletter content and content for YouTube that raises awareness and educates. Set a goal of each club member speaking to a group of people. This is a great way to improve your public speaking skills! You can visit anywhere including companies, schools, Rotary Clubs, youth groups, nursing homes, etc.
- Fundraising - Club members help bring lasting change to the lives of children by raising funds for sanitation and water projects for communities and schools around the world. Set a goal with your club and then go for it.
- Christmas Tree Project - Seek sponsorship for at least one tree for the Christmas tree project. Plan, schedule, train and organize volunteers to create the origami ornaments. Work with the company or family sponsoring the tree decorations to determine colors and styles and date to decorate. Throw a decorating party and take lots of pictures for the newsletter.
- Local gift or craft fairs - Locate at least one local gift or craft fair fundraiser. Work with your club to sign up, create origami ornaments, put together a beautiful display and staff the event. Again be sure to take lots of pictures to share!
- Be Creative - Plan an origami camp fundraiser, a walk or run for water or any other creative idea your club has
Please communicate with Paper for Water regularly. Let us know how we can help support your efforts. We are grateful for your school's support and your decision to help other kids like you!
Get your club started by sending a message today to [email protected]
The Impact
You can help us change the world! Join our goal to fund at least one well a month this year by joining our Well of the Month Club and be one of the 500 world changers donating at least $10 monthly. Without the help of our many volunteers, partners, and representatives, we would not have been able to bring clean water to thousands of communities around the world.
Join the WOTMC